

Le lapin

Partie III …………. the story is still being written

And so La Lapin Resurrection successfully completed with the epic journey 2018 documented in There and back again through

  • PREFACE Gurrumul and the big white birds
  • #lagogarda bellissimo
  • Abbiocco and rocambolesco
  • Hola …..ooops kaixo
  • Prunes, Paella and Pokemon
  • Burrata y cheese
  • Wonderful wonders of the world #1
  • Hello Malcolm

Which covered approximately 58,000 kms

  • 9 counties
  • 10 hotels
  • 3 ferry trips
  • 2 car hires
  • 14 flights
  • Instagram posts 171

And the search for a new muse has now successfully concluded and with the assistance of Peter Pan

  • “What if I fall?” Oh, but what if you fly?
  • We fall so we can fly and all the falls make flying so much more magical.
  • What good are wings without the courage to fly.. and so it begins again…..

Partie II …………. the story yet unwritten

Lapin Resurrection – Partie II  – what better way to get the creative juices flowing again, a visit back to South East Asia and then a jaunt around the world to new places – but firstly the previous epics of Le Lapin are archived for readers to enjoy and secondly the search for a new muse has commenced, taking into account Jean Fischer’s advice regarding writers and muses and their absence

1. Maintain a mob of muses. It’s a risky business to rely on just one muse, so have more waiting in the wings. Muses come in many forms. They inspire us through words, music, pictures, and the great outdoors. A muse might even be a real person, maybe your very best writing buddy.

2. Call in the retired muses. Pull out all those old manuscripts and brainstorming lists. The muses you sent into retirement in earlier writing days might still be there waiting patiently for you to rediscover their wisdom and creativity.

3. Be your own muse. Well-known writing teacher Natalie Goldberg says, “Just keep your hand moving and write!” For ten minutes, write whatever comes into your head. You might find your own inspiration hiding in the gibberish.

4. Go museless for a while. Leave your missing-muse crisis behind. Get out, and do something fun. Muses sometimes like slipping into your house when you’re not there. What a surprise if when you return you find one waiting for you!

5. Give your muse the silent treatment. Don’t ask her to come back, just move on.

Partie I.. the Preface untouched

Le Lapin and the Platinum Princess have both traveled extensively since the 1970’s and their careers have allowed them to visit interesting, exciting and exotic parts of our beautiful planet for both business and pleasure.

Travel has always been a key part of their lives and now it involves revisiting old familiar places as well as opening the door on new experiences.

They have both lived in Europe and Le Lapin has worked for extensive periods in Asia.

Le Lapin started keeping notes of the place visited and people met …… that then developed into a diary and then a personal blog shared with family and friends. The Travels of Le Lapin now gathers his ramblings together for a wider audience to enjoy.

Le Lapin’s blog isn’t a travelogue which describes visits to places – with a here “do this” nor is it for people looking for cheap hints, couch surfing information or hostelling tips.

The Travels of Le Lapin will tell stories….. and I emphasise stories…..some of his personal critics and there are many, have said the blog is more a work of fiction…”so be it”…is Le Lapin’s response ”but to me the blog is the truth through my eyes”.

In our busy lives the art of putting personal thoughts and anecdotes has diminished and our worlds are now focused on quick snappy communication and abbreviations in all our language…… that is not the world of Le Lapin.

So whether it is sailing in the Greek Islands, mountain bike riding in a Croatian National Park, undertaking a visit to a cooking school in Hoi An, dining on the Champs-Élysées or even a chance visit to a new boutique brewery on the outskirts of Melbourne the Travels of Le Lapin will capture the experience with a unique twist and dialogue.

If you want to amused and entertained as well as gather some helpful hints of different things to do or places to visit then hopefully Le Lelapin’s rambling stories will be of some assistance.

To assist Le Lapin to fill in this Travel blog he will be joined by guest contributors….. so if you have an interesting story, planning a holiday or want to capture your vacation with more than photos and memories, Le Lapin is happy to advise and assist in helping you create your own holiday book and share it if you so wish.